NHS Workforce Alliance
The Workforce Alliance is a collaboration with the Crown Commercial Service and NHS Procurement in Partnership who work together to deliver health workforce services.
The NHS Procurement in Partnership is a collaboration of 4 NHS procurement hubs; NHS Commercial Solutions, NHS East of England Collaborative Procurement Hub, NHS London Procurement Partnership and NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative.
Four frameworks make up the collaboration:
1. The International Recruitment framework
2. Flexible Resource Pool - Staff Bank framework
3. Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed-Term Staff framework
4. National Clinical and Healthcare Staffing Framework
They all aim to ensure clients have easy and quick access to a sustainable workforce and is part of a long-term plan to deliver a whole portfolio of health workforce services.
To further strengthen our compliance and auditing processes, several of our staff, have completed the Workforce Alliance and TWS II Nursing and AHP Compliance Training. This will help us to improve efficiency, compliance and deliver transparency in a fast-paced employment sector.