Exercising from home: A beginner’s guide

Exercise is essential for your health and wellbeing, but it’s not always feasible to leave the house to get in your 10,000 steps. This is where exercising from home comes in. Here’s a primer on exercising from home if you’re a beginner. Explore the TLTP Medical blog for more valuable health tips like this article!


Make use of YouTube

YouTube is a great resource for all sorts of online tutorials. Whether you want to learn how to cook rice or tune a car, there’s a video on that. When it comes to exercising from home, there are plenty of videos on YouTube to get you started.

Looking for an aerobics class to kick start your heart rate? There are plenty to choose from. How about a free yoga tutorial? Choose one of the thousands of videos on that subject alone. Everything from how to lift weights properly to stretching effectively is covered on YouTube.

YouTube exercise content is a great way to keep yourself motivated and moving without having to leave your own home. As a bonus, getting involved in the comments of an exercise video will help you interact with like-minded folk wanting to improve their health through exercise.

Stay consistent

The key to good exercise is consistency. There’s no point burning yourself out on one day at the gym only to follow it with six days lounging around the house.

When it comes to exercising from home, it can be hard to stay motivated. You’re not paying a subscription fee and there’s no peer pressure from other gym-goers to help you along either. You have to practice self-discipline and make sure you’re regularly engaging in exercise.

A good way to maintain a healthy routine is to set aside time to work out at the same time every day. Whether it be morning or evening, block out an hour or two and keep that time as “exercise time.” Don’t let other things creep into this block.

Another great way to stay consistent is to reward yourself after each session. Maybe you get to watch an episode of your favorite TV show or read a chapter of the book that’s hooked you recently. Whatever the reward, make sure you don’t cheat and reward yourself before you’ve achieved your exercise goals.

Rope in a partner

We live in a digital age, so why not take advantage of the fact? If you find it hard to exercise alone, why not rope someone in via video conference to help keep you motivated?

Exercising in pairs or groups like this is a great way to keep everyone on track. Because you’re all holding each other accountable, you’re all more likely to achieve your exercise goals.

Humans are pack animals and we do things better in groups. Having someone present won’t just motivate you, it’ll also give you someone to socialize with as you exercise. This can make the task go quicker and easier.

Track your progress

Tracking your progress is a great way to motivate yourself when it comes to exercising from home. It’ll help you see the results of your efforts and keep you coming back for more.

Using a fitness tracker or smartwatch to track your progress is a great way to track your activity and keep you healthy and safe while exercising. It can track everything from your heart rate to your energy output. As a bonus, you can jazz up your wearable with a cute strap to keep you extra motivated.

If you can’t get access to a fitness tracker, don’t worry. You can always go old school with a tape measure or a set of scales to help you measure your progress.

Meet your goals today

Exercising from home is a great way to stay fit and healthy if you can’t leave the house. Now you have a few strategies to employ on your home fitness journey.